734-936-2311Mailing address
660F Hatcher South
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1190
About me
I came to the Special Collections Research Center from the University of Rochester (NY), where I was Curator of Classics and Curator of Rare Books, and taught in the fields of Classics and the History of the Book.
I received my PhD in Classics from the University of Alberta, after obtaining my M.Sc in Classics from the University of Edinburgh, and the Licenciatura in Classical Philology from the University of Seville. I have published on Andalusian Poetry, the History of the Book, and pedagogy in the use of rare books.
My primary responsibilities are promoting the use of manuscripts and early printed books (up to 1700) throughout the University, responding to requests for lectures or use of materials in the classroom, and supporting the research of all who use the Special Collections Research Center.